Friday, January 15, 2010

022 stop

It's 19h48, and dinner is almost ready, so I don't have much time, but actually, I don't have much to say, so it works out nicely now doesn't it?

I didn't realize until I came home, but I came home quite early today, earlier than usual anyway. I usually don't get home until around 9 or so, but tonight I was home around 7. It's OK, though because I had a pretty productive day. I did some research regarding a teaching method called Dogme ELT (you can read about it on my eisensei blog), and I started setting up the self-access center. Just in case you don't know what that is, it's a place for students to come and study what they want at their own pace. Today, three students who are on the SAC staff helped me put together furniture and arrange the room. Perhaps next week we will start arranging the materials (books, CDs, DVDs etc) so that we can open the center next month. I think it would be good to open it next month although it's during spring break because it will at least allow us to work out the unexepected bugs.

The Song

Well, it seems that my song has finally uploaded, and I've talked too much about work; I really should be talking about the center on eisensei because that is my academic blog, well if you can call it academic, but in any case, this blog is for my music, not for my work, so I will stop now. Tonight's song is definitely rock and very simple - a three-chord progression if I remember correctly. I think it is quite catchy though, as most simple songs are I find, but it would definitely sound better with drums and a really heavy bass. As you can see, I really want to find a drummer and bassist to play with before I explode, or at least, before I get too old to be singing this stuff. Could you imagine me playing this stuff with a band for the first time when I'm 50? I know the Rolling Stones are in their 60s, but they started playing when they were in their teens? 20s? Well, you get the picture. Also, tonight on my way home, I listened to Vampire Weekend, a really, really good band in my opinion, and listening to them really made me want to play in a band. Actually, even playing with someone on-line would be an option, so if you're interested leave a comment.


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